GENIUS LOCI: group exhibition with SideTrack Studios
Show opens 10 July 2021.
Exhibition continues till 7 August 2021.
50 Buitenkant Street, Cnr Roeland & Buitenkant Street, Cape Town.
Gallery hours: 10 - 4 Mon to Friday, 10 - 1 Saturdays
or by appointment

StateoftheART is delighted to present GENIUS LOCI, a group exhibition in collaboration with SideTrack Studios and curated by Claude Chandler.
The show opens on Saturday 10th of July and continues till the 7th August 2021.
"The term ‘genius loci’ originates from Roman mythology and refers to the protective spirit of a place. In antiquity, the genius loci was often depicted in religious iconography as a figure holding bowls or a snake. This is similar to Asian architecture, where spirits of places are often honoured in outdoor spirit houses, as well as indoor and outdoor shrines. In contemporary usage, it can refer to a place’s distinctive atmosphere." (source)
This exhibition consists of work by the artists in residence at SideTrack Studios. This creative collective offers private studio spaces used for professional art practice. SideTrack Studios is located in the Spice Yard, Salt River.
The success of a fine art studio lies in its ‘genius loci’. Art studios are sanctuaries for creativity, allowing one to separate home life from work life. There should be an experience of transformation upon entering the studio, enabling one to be or feel more creative.
SideTracks studios is a fairly new studio launched in September 2020. The studio space was newly renovated and purpose built. Upon moving in, one artist burnt some sage in her studio, to clear away any "bad juju". Artist Mary Visser pointed out that it was not necessary as builders are the best form of ‘burning sage’ - they gave us new, freshly painted, untouched spaces, allowing us [the artists] to be the first to imprint on these blank walls. SideTrack’s ‘genius loci’ is imbued by the community of artists that choose to take residence there. A creative, fun and professional work space.
Each artist has interpreted the theme 'genius loci' in their own way. Some reflecting on physical spaces, transforming spaces, the abstraction and feeling of landscapes occupied by figures and structures. The SideTrack artists are excited to be given the opportunity to have an exhibition as a collective in a curated gallery setting.
Participating Artists:
Adele van Heerden | Aimee Lindeque | Claude Chandler (Curator) | Dayna-Gay Tate | Joanna Lee Miller | Johan de Lange | Karen Wykerd | Marli Steyl
Marolize Southwood | Pieter Heyneke | Mary Visser | Rentia Retief | Robyn Pretorius | Tanja Truscott