Artist Description
I had been watching water while still in Johannesburg (walking round Zoo Lake and seeing the greasy top layer of water sliding uneasily over the next layer, embedded with leaves, feathers and detritus). It intrigued me. Moving from Cape Town in 2016 and into the drought being experienced in Cape Town was an experience… traumatic, eye opening and engendering a new regard for the role water plays in all life, even though I considered myself reasonably aware.
The idea of water and its mark is used in my work to refer to the metaphoric ebb and flow of human lives, and even more of late, a feeling of growing turbulence. The departure and return or the swirling of emotions and experiences. And yet there is a ‘constancy’ to the water around me where I live – the sea is always there in all its daily, weekly and monthly rhythms, that has become a source of deep solace.