With the deadline for the StateoftheART Gallery Award online applications looming (remember to submit your entry before Sunday 30 June!) we thought we would ask the Judges their thoughts, to help you apply successfully.
And when you're feeling ready - Enter the StateoftheART Gallery Award HERE>>>
What are you hoping to see from the entrants to the StateoftheART Gallery Award this year?
"I would like artists to be unafraid of creating something which they are proud of. Art that has meaning for them and not what they think or feel others will like.
You must know that we will look at the work and see whether you have answered the call accurately and your presentation is important. The way you present your work says a lot about you."
Any advice to artists entering?
"Be unafraid, let go and don't only think about winning. That is not important at this stage.
What are you hoping to see from the entrants to the StateoftheART Gallery Award this year?
"With the eyes of the world on Cape Town as a contemporary art destination since the arrival of two new large-scale museums in our city, I am eager to see how artists present their work to their audiences. I realise that there is pressure on artists to perform to (inter)national standards. The challenge may be to retain integrity in a rapidly changed eco-system."
Any advice to artists entering?
"Following from the above, I hope to see artists excelling within their own idioms."
What are you hoping to see from the entrants to the StateoftheART Gallery Award this year?
"I'm looking for imagery that displays a high level of technical skill, an all round concise relation to the theme of the competition and an innovative/visionary approach to the artworks submitted."
Any advice to artists entering?
"Follow your instincts."