South African visual artist Kitty Dörje

Kitty Dörje

South Africa | 10 artworks for sale

  • Slangkop Lighthouse - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje Slangkop Lighthouse
    Handmade Print / 99 x 65 cm
    R8 750
  • St James Beach - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje St James Beach
    Handmade Print / 50 x 50 cm
    R3 850
  • Lady Barnard's Bath Series III - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje Lady Barnard's Bath Series III
    Handmade Print / 50 x 50 cm
    R3 850
  • Standing On The Beach - Print by Kitty Dörje Standing On The Beach
    Print / 17 x 17 cm
    R1 250
  • Sir Lowry's Pass Ahead - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje Sir Lowry's Pass Ahead
    Handmade Print / 50 x 50 cm
    R3 850
  • Garden House - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje Garden House
    Handmade Print / 21 x 21 cm
    R1 450
  • Water Wheel Green Point Park - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje Water Wheel Green Point Park
    Handmade Print / 50 x 50 cm
    R3 850
  • Muizenberg Station - Silkscreen by Kitty Dörje Muizenberg Station
    Silkscreen / 17 x 17 cm
    R1 250
  • The Big Garden - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje The Big Garden
    Handmade Print / 17 x 17 cm
    R1 250
  • Indian Venster - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje Indian Venster
    Handmade Print / 17 x 17 cm
    R1 250
  • Top Of The Supertube - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Top Of The Supertube
    Handmade Print / 21 x 21 cm
  • The Whole Supertube - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    The Whole Supertube
    Handmade Print / 21 x 21 cm
  • Path To Lion's Head - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Path To Lion's Head
    Handmade Print / 50 x 50 cm
  • Kirstenbosch - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Handmade Print / 16 x 16 cm
  • Table Mountain - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Table Mountain
    Handmade Print / 16 x 16 cm
  • Muizenberg Mountain - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Muizenberg Mountain
    Handmade Print / 21 x 21 cm
  • Long St, Cape Town - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Long St, Cape Town
    Handmade Print / 72 x 30 cm
  • Aerial View - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Aerial View
    Handmade Print / 72 x 30 cm
  • Silvertree At Night - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Silvertree At Night
    Handmade Print / 53 x 53 cm
  • Lady Barnard's Bath, Kirstenbosch - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Lady Barnard's Bath, Kirstenbosch
    Handmade Print / 50 x 50 cm
  • Twelve Apostles From Lion's Head - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Twelve Apostles From Lion's Head
    Handmade Print / 50 x 50 cm
  • View Of Table Mountain - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    View Of Table Mountain
    Handmade Print / 50 x 50 cm
  • Path to Table Mountain - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Path to Table Mountain
    Handmade Print / 16 x 16 cm
  • Silvertree At Night - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Silvertree At Night
    Handmade Print / 50 x 50 cm
  • The View From Lions Head - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    The View From Lions Head
    Handmade Print / 70 x 16 cm
  • Lady Anne Barnard's Bath II - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Lady Anne Barnard's Bath II
    Handmade Print / 50 x 50 cm
  • Devil's Peak - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Devil's Peak
    Handmade Print / 16 x 16 cm
  • Supertube - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Handmade Print / 17 x 17 cm
  • Big Yellow Garden ed.18/27 - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Big Yellow Garden ed.18/27
    Handmade Print / 50 x 50 cm
  • Twelve Apostles - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Twelve Apostles
    Handmade Print / 50 x 50 cm
  • Devil's Peak - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Devil's Peak
    Handmade Print / 17 x 17 cm
  • Muizenberg - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Handmade Print / 17 x 17 cm
  • Path to Lion's Head - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Path to Lion's Head
    Handmade Print / 17 x 17 cm
  • Path to Table Mountain - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Path to Table Mountain
    Handmade Print / 17 x 17 cm
  • Ladder I - Drawing by Kitty Dörje
    Ladder I
    Drawing / 111 x 160 cm
  • Table Mountain and Silver Tree Ed. 5/25 - Handmade Print by Kitty Dörje
    Table Mountain and Silver Tree Ed. 5/25
    Handmade Print / 17 x 17 cm
  • Supertube  Ed.7/27 - Silkscreen by Kitty Dörje
    Supertube Ed.7/27
    Silkscreen / 17 x 17 cm
  • Table Mountain - Drawing by Kitty Dörje
    Table Mountain
    Drawing / 54 x 54 cm
  • Lower Light House Ed 1/24 - Fine Art Editions by Kitty Dörje
    Lower Light House Ed 1/24
    Fine Art Editions / 50 x 50 cm
  • Bakoven Beach   Ed.9/50 - Fine Art Editions  by Kitty Dörje
    Bakoven Beach Ed.9/50
    Fine Art Editions / 50 x 50 cm
  • Lower Light House III - Ink Drawing by Kitty Dörje
    Lower Light House III
    Ink Drawing / 57 x 57 cm
  • Lower Light House I - Ink Drawing by Kitty Dörje
    Lower Light House I
    Ink Drawing / 57 x 57 cm
  • Labyrinth Series: Bakoven II - Ink Drawing by Kitty Dörje
    Labyrinth Series: Bakoven II
    Ink Drawing / 50 x 50 cm
  • Labyrinth Series: Bakoven I - Ink Drawing by Kitty Dörje
    Labyrinth Series: Bakoven I
    Ink Drawing / 50 x 50 cm
  • Labyrinth Series: Lions Head II - Ink Drawing by Kitty Dörje
    Labyrinth Series: Lions Head II
    Ink Drawing / 50 x 50 cm
  • Labyrinth Series: Burnt Road II - Ink Drawing by Kitty Dörje
    Labyrinth Series: Burnt Road II
    Ink Drawing / 50 x 50 cm
  • Labyrinth Series: Nursery Ravine II - Ink Drawing by Kitty Dörje
    Labyrinth Series: Nursery Ravine II
    Ink Drawing / 50 x 50 cm
Artist Katrin (Kitty) Dörje's creative output is primarily focused in the fields of painting, drawing, printmaking and video. Her artworks are inspired by the locations she visits which she photographs, then interprets into drawings, printmaking or paintings.

Katrin (Kitty) Dörje was born in Cape Town, in 1975. She qualified as a Graphic Designer in 1997 from the Cape Technikon. Later, she went on to complete her Fine Art Degree to Honours level at Michaelis school of Fine Art, UCT in 2010, majoring in printmaking. Kitty has produced work for solo exhibitions including Dislegation at Youngblood (2014), RECITE at the Cape Gallery (2014), REMERGE exhibited at the AVA (2011). She has been part of numerous group shows, including This must be the place at iArt (2011) in Cape Town, Continuum at the Cape Gallery (2011), Greatmore Trust group Show at Irma Stern (2009), Proof of Life at VANSA (2009) as well as a Sticks and Stones exhibition at 38 Special Gallery (2009). Her video work has been included in the Mixed Tape Mobile cinema in Grahamstown (2009) and been part of the final selection at the One Minute Awards.

Selected Exhibitions:

‘Active Woman’ at Casa Labia by Ideas Cartel

‘Dislegation’ at Young Blood Gallery, Cape Town
‘Recite’, a solo exhibition of paintings with a catalogue exhibited at The Cape Gallery.

REMERGE, an exhibition of drawings with a catalogue at the AVA Gallery, Cape Town.

‘This must be the place’ at iArt Gallery, Cape Town,
‘Continuum’ at the Cape Gallery

Greatmore Trust Group Show at the Irma Stern Museum
‘Proof of Life’ at VANSA
‘Sticks and Stones’ at 38 Special Gallery

Her video work has been included in the Mixed Tape Mobile cinema in Grahamstown (2009) and been part of the final selection at the One Minuet awards.

Corporate Collections:
Pricewaterhouse Coopers

Read an Interview with the artist here.

Which new trends or South African artists do you find inspiring at the moment?
Judy Woodborne because I have followed her work for a while and she and she continues to make work no matter the challenging circumstances.

Which South African deceased artist do you most admire and why?
I liked the work of Judith Mason I saw an exhibition of hers in Stellenbosch and the dark world she brought to life with large paintings and regular still practice made an impact. The paintings were real to me. I remember woods and vistas over marshes.

If you could only have one piece of art in your life, what would it be?
Deborah Poynton it would be an investment piece. I am a Capricorn rising which makes me conservative in buying. There are a few other up and coming artists that I want but I am going for a successful woman that reminds me of myself.

Pick three artists who you would be honored to exhibit with – and why
I would choose people in my age group as it is good to build a social group around your age. Elgin Rust as she is a clean worker and has been in the industry a while. Grace Cross as I like the immediacy of her painting.  Jeanne Hoffman her work is more relaxed. 

How did you get started? Did you always want to be an artist?
I have been working on my printing and drawing regularly. It is the relationship that has lasted the longest. 

?What are some of the key themes you explore in your work?
The Garden, the space where things are natural. Going to nature taking photographs and then producing something.

What should people know about your art that they can’t tell from looking at it?
There is always a long road behind any artwork that is hard to see.

Tell us more about your creative process.
That is a very broad question and overlaps with lifestyle as well. I have a regular practice which I follow and continue. Some threads continue longer than other not because I work harder but I keep them up over time. I jog.

Do you believe an artist should use their platform to influence society? Why?
Maybe when they have work to do. What you can do and what you make space to do helps what you can say.

Do you have a favourite or most meaningful work?
?My own. I don’t see work as separate they are a span of thought and then a relative best. The parameters need to be set before choosing the best.

What is your greatest achievement as an artist to date? 
Drawing, it is original. A barometer of how your flow is.

What are your aspirations for the future?
Consistency in practice and a sustainable lifestyle. Medical aid is not going to go away.